I see.

Posts tagged “awesome


Still Livin

Still Livin

New still life photography by Justin Sullivan

Mr. Brown and Miss Kaye

New Folding Bike shrinks to 26″!

I love riding my bike and I’m a huge cycling advocate. But I feel like if the metro was a part of my commute, I’d reconsider using my track bike since it would be pretty rude to everyone else on the train.
There are a billion and one different folding bikes on the market, most of them pretty unattractive. I came across this one today that looks a bit nicer, appears substantially better thought out, and folds up smaller than anything else I’ve seen.


From the video it’s tough to see if this designer has sorted out the drive train issues yet, so it will be cool to see if this ever makes it to production.
Apparently he has approached multiple manufacturers and gotten some interest, along with having been a favorite to win the James Dyson Award.

Design Hunting Los Angeles

So I’ve been meaning to start blogging about design-related topics for some time. I’m passionate about good design, and as a photographer I love looking at beautiful things and photographing them.

I can’t always afford all the fanciest stuff I like, but I think I will start curating a collection of things and places that I think are great.

Today I had a meeting in Culver City with the incredibly talented Mark Laita at his studio. It’s a gorgeous spot, all covered in vines and full of great minimalist design elements.
Mark Laita Studio

Afterwards I walked around the Main St. area of Culver City and I was pleased to find it to be quite nice. Lots of little shops and boutiques, restaurants and galleries. I stopped in a cool little gallery called Western Project.
Western Project Gallery
They showcase contemporary artists, and had a nice little selection of work. I snapped one photo of this silly gun painting, but there were a number of other really nice pieces for sale.Bang Bang If you get a chance to pop in there, the owners are really pleasant and friendly. So refreshing.

Found a neat vintage table and chair across the street in front of a little antique shop.
Yellow Table and Chairs

Grabbed a few snaps of the local flora as well.

I’ve been wanting to check out This is Not Ikea on Fairfax for a little while, and since I was kind of in the neighborhood I stopped by. The place is like a well-merchandized junk store full of hand picked awesomeness. They have tons of great old chairs, fans, desks, lighting, signs, and a host of other stuff. I didn’t find anything I absolutely had to have, but this place is certainly on my list of places to go for props for shoots.
TINI.This is Not Ikea
On the way up Fairfax I found this big Mural of Madonna and it was awesome.
Madonna Mural

After that I popped into Modernica and chatted with Stephanie Miller who was very pleasant and encouraged me to sit in any of the chairs I wanted to. So I sat in about half of the furniture in the store and loved it! Haha. Here are some of my favorite pieces:
Modernica ChairModernica LightingGreen Modernica ChairModernica Recliner
I’m very interested in Scandinavian desgin as well, so Stephanie recommended I check out Denmark 50 on Melrose. I cruised over there and had a nice chat with the owner about his furniture and grabbed a shot of my favorite piece.
Hans Wegner Chair It’s a Hans Wegner chair, and I’m a big fan of his work. Such perfect lines on his work, it gets me smiling!

Fitzsu happened to be right down the street so I strolled on over. They always have the most beautiful stuff, and it was great to get to see a lot of things I love in person. They were great and very welcoming. I found this amazing piece of pottery that would go perfectly on a coffee table:
After that I was all hunted out and headed back downtown. Awesome.