I see.

Posts tagged “reportage


Terence Koh

Terence Koh

I ran into Terence Koh Riding his bike in the street in New York in 2010 and snapped this photo without thinking anything other than that I liked the guy’s all white outfit. Much later, reviewing old street photography I had done, I looked a little closer and recognized his face. He’s even rocking some Koh Bunny sneaks 🙂

Across the StreetScapes

New street photography from the United States.

Turkey Crawlin’ Never Fallin

My good friend Ed Adkins hosts events every so often here in Reno. One of the projects he spearheads is Reno Bar Crawls and the night before thanksgiving they were out in force. I figured it would be good photo fodder so I met up with them for a bit. The event started at Amendment 21, a really great spot on Virginia on the south end of downtown Reno. It used to be the Chophouse, and before that Adele’s. Both were nice fine dining, but now it’s a restaurant and bar. They have exceptional food, way above par especially for a bar. But I digress.
I stuck with the crawl for a few stops and got some fun photographs of the festivities. Heidi Adkins worked hard all day making construction paper head dresses and pilgrim hats which were adorable. Cheers to everyone who got into the spirit and had fun!

Check out some photos here: