I see.

Posts tagged “Commercial


More new portfolio work for 2013


I felt like doing a little self assigned work this week and put together a product shoot or two. I love making things look their best, and there’s something really satisfying about nailing the lighting and composition.

Here’s one of the new portfolio pieces.

Dr. Slackstoomuch! or “how I learned to stop worrying and love the blog”

After an incredibly lengthy and unacceptable haitus from posting, I’ve finally bit the bullet and decided to write again. Justin Sullivan Photography blog go!

So many things have been happening, I’d love to start at the beginning. I fear, however, that I will undoubtedly forget something or leave out a legitimate event that I’d feel bad about later. As such I’m going to just pop a few things in at random.

I’ve been spending a considerable amount of time in Seattle, and I’m thinking quite seriously about moving up at the end of December. Got to spend a little bit of time with family and friends, but mostly working.
Got to see Stan Hainsworth and his new space, Tether. You can check it out at http://tetherinc.com Wish I could have made it up there last weekend for the tether grand opening party. But I will have to be satisfied with this snap of Leilani, Stan and I from this summer vintage shopping.
Justin Sullivan, Leilani Schweitzer, Stanley Hainsworth

Shooting a bit of stock here and there this fall, trying to catch some good moments.
Things are starting to cool down now. Looking at the snow in the mountains is getting me excited about doing some skiing.

Had a great photo shoot with Michelle DePaoli, owner of Swoon: A Bridal Salon, a few weeks back. We spent the day making some beautiful photographs of her space, bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, flowers, shoes and all sorts of bride-y stuff! It was great to help another start-up business craft their brand. Custom photography is such a crucial part of advertising yourself, whether you’re an established law firm, or brand new boutique. Using a professional, advertising-specific commercial photographer can elevate the value of your brand to a completely new level by conveying exactly the feelings you want to evoke in your potential customers and clients.
Dress AdMichelle

Went to a very nice opening party at the Nevada Museum of Art recently, to see Kit Hinrichs’ (of Pentagram) collection of American flags, and memorabilia. I was surprised what a wide variety of different star-spangled items he had. Pretty impressive.

So far this month, I have a shoot lined up with Sterling Doak’s ad firm, photographing a whole bunch of folks for a motion graphics TV spot. I’m collaborating with Jason Newmark, formerly of Cartel Collective. Should be a really good time, I’m definitely looking forward to it.

Going to try to be a little bit more consistent with my updating here, so comment and get my attention if I start slipping!