I see.

Posts tagged “Fantasy Factory

Shooting at the Fantasy Factory

Today I got hired to light a shoot with Rob Dyrdek (Rob & Big, Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory) at his warehouse skatepark/office/tree fort in downtown LA.

Markus Paulsen was the photographer, and we were working together creating some new images for the upcoming launch of a new eyewear line Rob’s doing.

It was such a blast to get to hang out and work at the Fantasy Factory all afternoon and make some bold, iconic images to help launch his latest venture.

There’s a foam pit for learning new tricks…or just throwing yourself off the balcony into. That’s a trick right? I stuck it.

They have this slogan blasted all over the place. Really inspirational to see a dude who came up from skateboarding with a fresh new Ferrari with that attitude. Make your own luck indeed.

Rob was a great guy to work with, and really worked hard with us to make sure everything looked great.

Here’s a 360 panorama I took from the middle of the joint: http://360.io/Mvh6gF

Pretty rad!

Be on the look out for the images when the brand launches soon!